PRESENTED BY THE DOMESDAY BOOK OF DOGS The Sealydale (and other hybrids) Sealydale Terrier. Hubbard, 1945. This hybrid, bred by Miss M. Bodmer of Grahamstown, South Africa was a cross between two types of terrier, the Airedale and the Sealyham. Looking like a slightly heavier built Jack Russell, this dog bred true to type in a very short time and naturally inherited the weatherproof coat of both it's parent breeds. Up until the 1940s this breed was still in demand as a vermin destroyer. So-called designer dogs, or poo dogs to use their alternative name, are popular these days but the general idea is hundreds of years old. In the past dogs were workers and the modern concept of a ‘breed’ was largely unknown. Different types were hybridised in an attempt to improve working ability. Whereas these days some breeders appear to think up a catchy portmanteau first for their ‘mix’ and then choose the appropriate ...